
69 lines
2.2 KiB

package config
func newAppConfig() *AppConfig {
return &AppConfig{
Version: getVersion(),
Logging: &LogConfig{},
HTTP: &HTTPConfig{},
OTEL: &OTELConfig{},
type AppConfig struct {
Name string `yaml:"name" env:"APP_NAME" envDefault:"go-http-server-with-otel"`
Environment string `yaml:"environment" env:"APP_ENVIRONMENT" envDefault:"development"`
// This should either be set by ldflags, such as with
// go build -ldflags "-X gitea.libretechconsulting.com/rmcguire/go-http-server-with-otel/pkg/config.Version=$(VERSION)"
// or allow this to use build meta. Will default to (devel)
Version string `yaml:"version" env:"APP_VERSION"`
Logging *LogConfig `yaml:"logging"`
HTTP *HTTPConfig `yaml:"http"`
OTEL *OTELConfig `yaml:"otel"`
// Logging Configuration
type LogConfig struct {
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled" env:"APP_LOG_ENABLED" envDefault:"true"`
Level string `yaml:"level" env:"APP_LOG_LEVEL" envDefault:"info"`
Format LogFormat `yaml:"format" env:"APP_LOG_FORMAT" envDefault:"json"`
Output LogOutput `yaml:"output" env:"APP_LOG_OUTPUT" envDefault:"stderr"`
TimeFormat TimeFormat `yaml:"timeFormat" env:"APP_LOG_TIME_FORMAT" envDefault:"short"`
type LogFormat string
const (
LogFormatConsole LogFormat = "console"
LogFormatJSON LogFormat = "json"
type TimeFormat string
const (
TimeFormatShort TimeFormat = "short"
TimeFormatLong TimeFormat = "long"
TimeFormatUnix TimeFormat = "unix"
TimeFormatRFC3339 TimeFormat = "rfc3339"
TimeFormatOff TimeFormat = "off"
type LogOutput string
const (
LogOutputStdout LogOutput = "stdout"
LogOutputStderr LogOutput = "stderr"
// HTTP Configuration
type HTTPConfig struct {
Listen string `yaml:"listen" env:"APP_HTTP_LISTEN" envDefault:""`
RequestTimeout int `yaml:"request_timeout" env:"APP_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" envDefault:"30"`
// OTEL Configuration
type OTELConfig struct {
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled" env:"APP_OTEL_ENABLED" envDefault:"true"`
PrometheusEnabled bool `yaml:"prometheus_enabled" env:"APP_OTEL_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED" envDefault:"true"`
PrometheusPath string `yaml:"prometheus_path" env:"APP_OTEL_PROMETHEUS_PATH" envDefault:"/metrics"`