
71 lines
1.7 KiB

package app
import (
func (a *App) Done() <-chan any {
return a.appDone
func (a *App) MustRun() {
if a.cfg != nil {
panic(errors.New("already ran app trying to run"))
} else if !a.cfg.HTTP.Enabled && !a.cfg.GRPC.Enabled {
panic(errors.New("neither http nor grpc enabled, nothing to do"))
// Set up app
a.cfg = config.MustFromCtx(a.AppContext)
a.l = zerolog.Ctx(a.AppContext)
a.shutdownFuncs = make([]shutdownFunc, 0)
a.appDone = make(chan any)
a.HTTP.HTTPDone = make(chan any)
if len(a.HTTP.Funcs) < 1 {
a.l.Warn().Msg("no http funcs provided, only serving health and metrics")
// Start OTEL
ctx, initSpan := a.tracer.Start(a.AppContext, "init")
defer initSpan.End()
// Start HTTP (does not block)
if a.cfg.HTTP.Enabled {
if err := a.initHTTP(ctx); err != nil {
initSpan.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
initSpan.AddEvent("http server started")
initSpan.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("http.handlers", len(a.HTTP.Funcs)))
// Start GRPC (does not block)
if a.cfg.GRPC.Enabled {
if err := a.initGRPC(ctx); err != nil {
initSpan.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
initSpan.AddEvent("grpc server started")
initSpan.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("grpc.services", len(a.GRPC.Services)))
// Monitor app lifecycle
go a.run()
// Startup Complete
Str("name", a.cfg.Name).
Str("version", a.cfg.Version).
Str("logLevel", a.cfg.Logging.Level).
Msg("app initialized")
initSpan.SetStatus(codes.Ok, "")