
205 lines
4.7 KiB

package gitlab
import (
const defProjectsPerPage = 30
type Client struct {
Ctx context.Context
gitlab *gitlab.Client
type Project struct {
ID int
Description string
SSHURLToRepo string
HTTPURLToRepo string
WebURL string
Name string
NameWithNamespace string
Path string
PathWithNamespace string
AvatarURL string
LastActivityAt time.Time
Readme string
gitRepo *git.Repository
type User struct {
ID int
Username string
Email string
Name string
AvatarURL string
type ProgressInfo struct {
ProgressChan chan Progress
ProjectsChan chan []*Project
ErrorChan chan error
DoneChan chan interface{}
type Progress struct {
Page int
Pages int
Projects int
TotalProjects int
func (p *Project) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", p.Path, p.PathWithNamespace)
func (p *Project) SanitizedPath() string {
return strings.Trim(p.PathWithNamespace, " '\"%<>|`")
func (p *Project) SetRepo(r *git.Repository) {
p.gitRepo = r
func (p *Project) GetRepo() *git.Repository {
return p.gitRepo
func (p *Project) GetGitInfo() string {
repo := p.GetRepo()
if repo == nil {
return "No Repo"
var str string
head, _ := repo.Head()
branch := head.Name().String()[11:]
b, _ := repo.Branch(branch)
str = "\n" + pterm.LightCyan("Branch: ") + pterm.Bold.Sprint(b.Name) + "\n"
commit, _ := repo.CommitObject(head.Hash())
str += commit.String()
return pterm.DefaultBox.
WithTitle(pterm.Bold.Sprint(pterm.LightGreen("Project Git Status"))).
// Given there may be thousands of projects, this will return
// channels that stream progress info and then finally the full
// list of projects on separate channels. If ownerOnly=true, only
// projects for which you are an owner will be loaded
func (c *Client) StreamProjects(ownerOnly bool) *ProgressInfo {
pi := &ProgressInfo{
ProgressChan: make(chan Progress),
ProjectsChan: make(chan []*Project),
ErrorChan: make(chan error),
DoneChan: make(chan interface{}),
go c.streamProjects(pi, ownerOnly)
return pi
func (c *Client) streamProjects(pi *ProgressInfo, ownerOnly bool) {
defer close(pi.ProgressChan)
defer close(pi.ProjectsChan)
listOpts := &gitlab.ListProjectsOptions{
ListOptions: gitlab.ListOptions{
PerPage: defProjectsPerPage,
Page: 1,
Archived: gitlab.Ptr[bool](false),
Owned: gitlab.Ptr[bool](ownerOnly),
var numProjects int
for {
projects, resp, err := c.ListProjects(listOpts)
if err != nil {
pi.ErrorChan <- err
// We're done when we have it all or our context is done
if c.Ctx.Err() != nil || resp.NextPage == 0 {
pi.DoneChan <- nil
numProjects += len(projects)
pi.ProjectsChan <- projects
pi.ProgressChan <- Progress{
Page: resp.CurrentPage,
Pages: resp.TotalPages,
Projects: numProjects,
TotalProjects: resp.TotalItems,
listOpts.Page = resp.NextPage
// Returns a list of projects along with the next page and an error
// if there was an error
func (c *Client) ListProjects(opts *gitlab.ListProjectsOptions) (
[]*Project, *gitlab.Response, error) {
pList := make([]*Project, 0)
projects, resp, err := c.gitlab.Projects.ListProjects(
if err == nil {
pList = append(pList, c.handleProjects(projects)...)
return pList, resp, err
func (c *Client) handleProjects(projects []*gitlab.Project) []*Project {
// Opportunity to perform any filtering or additional lookups
// on a per-project basis
pList := make([]*Project, 0, len(projects))
for _, project := range projects {
p := &Project{
ID: project.ID,
Description: project.Description,
SSHURLToRepo: project.SSHURLToRepo,
HTTPURLToRepo: project.HTTPURLToRepo,
WebURL: project.WebURL,
Name: project.Name,
NameWithNamespace: project.NameWithNamespace,
Path: project.Path,
PathWithNamespace: project.PathWithNamespace,
AvatarURL: project.AvatarURL,
LastActivityAt: *project.LastActivityAt,
Readme: project.ReadmeURL,
pList = append(pList, p)
return pList
func NewGitlabClient(ctx context.Context, host, token string) (*Client, error) {
client, err := gitlab.NewClient(token, gitlab.WithBaseURL(host))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gitlabClient := &Client{
Ctx: ctx,
gitlab: client,
return gitlabClient, nil