package project import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" "" "" ) var projectShowCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "show [fuzzy alias search]", Short: "Show detail for a Git project", Aliases: []string{"cat", "s"}, Args: cobra.ArbitraryArgs, Long: util.ProjShowCmdLong, Run: projectShowCmdRun, } func projectShowCmdRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var project *projects.Project var inCwd bool remotes := viper.GetStringSlice(util.FlagRemote) fzfOpts := &util.FzfProjectOpts{ Ctx: cmd.Context(), Search: utils.SearchStringFromArgs(args), Remotes: remotes, } // Try to find project from current directory if viper.GetBool(util.ViperProjectShowCurrent) { var err error project, err = utils.Cache().GetProjectFromCwd() if err != nil { // Not an error because we're still going to try to find a project utils.Logger().Warn("Failed to get project from current directory", utils.Logger().Args( "error", err, )) } else if project == nil { utils.Logger().Warn("Failed to use --current flag, project not found in current path") } else { inCwd = true } } // Otherwise find from the given search string if project == nil { project = utils.FzfFindProject(fzfOpts) } // Do a full fuzzy find if all else fails if project == nil { var err error project, err = utils.FzfProject(fzfOpts) if err != nil || project == nil { utils.Logger().Fatal("Failed to find project, nothing to show", utils.Logger().Args( "error", err, )) } } fmt.Println() pterm.DefaultBox. WithLeftPadding(5).WithRightPadding(5). WithBoxStyle(&pterm.Style{pterm.FgLightBlue}). WithTitle(pterm.Bold.Sprint(pterm.LightGreen("Project Information"))). Println(utils.Cache().ProjectString(project)) fmt.Println() if inCwd { project.SetRepo(utils.Cache().OpenProject(cmd.Context(), project)) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, project.GetGitInfo()+"\n") } } func init() { ProjectCmd.AddCommand(projectShowCmd) projectShowCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(util.FlagCurrent, false, "Use project in CWD rather than fuzzy find") viper.BindPFlag(util.ViperProjectShowCurrent, projectShowCmd.Flag(util.FlagCurrent)) }