# Variables CLIENT_PKG := ./cmd/eia-client CLIENT_GEN_FILE := ./api/eiaapi.gen.go GO_FORMATTER := gofumpt .PHONY: all generate build install clean # Default target all: generate build # Generate code generate: go generate ./... # Fix errors in generated code sed -E -i '' 's/Total[[:space:]]+\*int/Total *string/g' $(CLIENT_GEN_FILE) sed -E -i '' 's/Command[[:space:]]+\*\[\]string/Command *string/g' $(CLIENT_GEN_FILE) # Pretty it up $(GO_FORMATTER) -w $(CLIENT_GEN_FILE) # Build the client command binary build: generate go build -o bin/eia-client $(CLIENT_PKG) # Install the client command binary install: generate go install -v $(CLIENT_PKG) # Clean up generated files and build artifacts clean: rm -rf bin/eia-client