65 lines
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65 lines
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package main
import (
const defaultMetricPrefix = "weather"
func main() {
ctx, cncl := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Kill, unix.SIGTERM)
defer cncl()
// Config type for app, which implements go-app/config.AppConfig
awConfig := &config.AmbientLocalExporterConfig{
MetricPrefix: defaultMetricPrefix,
WeatherStations: make([]config.WeatherStation, 0),
// Read config and environment, set up logging, load up
// an appCtx, and prepare ambient weather local exporter
ctx, awConfig = app.MustLoadConfigInto(ctx, awConfig)
// Prepare the exporter
aw := ambient.New(ctx, awConfig).Init()
// Define and prepare the app
awApp := app.App{
AppContext: ctx,
HTTP: &app.AppHTTP{
Funcs: []srv.HTTPFunc{
Path: "/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php",
HandlerFunc: aw.GetWundergroundHandlerFunc(ctx),
Path: "/data/report",
HandlerFunc: aw.GetAWNHandlerFunc(ctx),
CustomListener: ambienthttp.NewLFStrippingListener(ctx,
awConfig.HTTP.Listen), // Necessary to fix certain bad AWN firmware
HealthChecks: []srv.HealthCheckFunc{
// TODO: Implement
func(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
// Run and wait